Donate Now
Support AchieveKids
AchieveKids strives to ensure our students achieve their maximum possible self-reliance and quality of life so they and their families can look to the future with confidence. Your gift enables us to keep improving our services and offering the best possible growth and learning opportunities. Our goal is to keep our students in the community, learning, participating and thriving.
Donate Online
Donate securely with your credit card through Qgiv.
Donate via Text
Text “Achieve” to 1-844-544-7171
You will receive an automatic reply
with a secure link to make the donation.
Donate by Mail
Send the completed Donation Form with your payment (check or credit card) to:
Development Department
3860 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303
AchieveKids Federal Tax ID: 77-0412221
AchieveKids’ Parents Share
AchieveKids’ Parents Share
Matching Gifts
Many Bay Area companies match employee charitable contributions to non-profit organizations. Contact your employer’s Human Resources Department to find out how you can apply for matching funds. Companies often require employees to use their donation portal to make a donation and apply for matching.
Donate Stock
Download and/or print the Stock Transfer Instructions Form, fill it out, and send it to your stock broker. You will not pay capital gains tax on any appreciated securities you transfer to AchieveKids. For additional information, contact development@achievekids.org or call 650-213-5286.
Donate Your Car
With the help of Donate for Charity and its easy step-by-step process, you can donate your vehicle (car, truck, motorcycle, RV, etc.), receive a tax deduction, and support AchieveKids all at the same time.
Register your credit cards with eScrip and AchieveKids will receive a percentage of your purchases when you shop at participating merchants. Go to eScrip to sign up. The AchieveKids group ID number is: 137318221.