Donor Impact Report 2022
Cultivating Community
In 2022, AchieveKids faced challenges and changes but overcame these with the structure and support of our incredible community. AchieveKids staff and service providers served over 135 students from 20 cities and 33 school districts to bring them specialized education, speech, mental health, and occupational therapy structured to fit their needs. With your support we have been able to expand the selection of books in our libraries, acquire new PE equipment to support healthy lifestyles for students of all ability levels, and provide healthy breakfasts and lunches for all our students.
Thank you for your continued support and commitment to AchieveKids.

Cultivating Community and Inclusion
AchieveKids serves the most complex learners in special education. Often, we are a beacon of hope for families and students in need. We take pride in meeting students where they are. From the moment of an initial referral, it is our goal to welcome families, listen, and begin to establish a sense of trust and respect. We seek to cultivate inclusive communities that are built on mutual understanding and compassion. We recognize that all of us, from the youngest and newest student to the Board Chair are always learning.
AchieveKids strives to cultivate a community that supports both the education of our students and the professional development of our staff and volunteers. We believe that cultivating a community of inclusion and growth not only best serves our students in the classroom and at home, but also allows AchieveKids to effectively navigate organizational change when it occurs. We are proud of the community we live in, our community of families and caregivers, our community of supporters and volunteers, and the community of incredibly passionate and amazing professionals at AchieveKids. We are stronger together and we look forward to a continued partnership in driving our mission forward.

Rob Hutchinson
Board Chair
The Heart of AchieveKids
AchieveKids creates greater opportunity in the lives of students in special education through exceptional schools and collaborative educational services that enable students with special needs to thrive.
AchieveKids students will achieve the maximum possible self-reliance and quality of life, and look to the future with confidence.
- Treat everyone with respect and dignity
- Meet students where they are and for who they are
- Empower students to get where they need to go
- Engage in our own life-long learning
Learning for Life
- Maximize independence
- Make effective use of leisure time
- Possess academic and technology skills to align with state standards and real-life application
- Advocate and negotiate for needs and wishes in an appropriate manner
- Take responsibility for actions
- Make decisions
- Adapt to changes in environment and schedule
- Continue to try after encountering road blocks
- Apply skills to a wide variety of environments
- Self-regulate frustration and anger through effective problem-solving and coping skills
- Accept and offer feedback in a respectful manner
- Exhibit social awareness through collaboration and cooperation
Our Services
Special Education
Special Education
We offer a range of educational programs from graded core-curriculum to life skills and other functionality-based academics.
Community Integration
We teach students to interact in community environments, from following safety signs, taking public transit and buying groceries, to eating in restaurants.
Speech Therapy
Bike Fixing
We focus on improving communication skills through one-on-one, in the classroom, on the job, and in the community training.
Occupational Therapy
Your Title Goes Here
OT specialists help students with hand-eye coordination, balance, and other skills that assist them in the classroom, community, and their vocation.
Behavioral Health
Repair Tires
We focus on replacing aggressive behaviors with appropriate social skills while increasing self-awareness and self-esteem. We conduct student assessments, develop and implement behavior intervention plans and do comprehensive data collection in all our school programs.
Mental Health
Service name
Mental health professionals work onsite to address mental health issues that may interfere with the student’s classroom behavior and learning. They meet in individual and group therapy sessions as well as provide classroom support and parental support.
Student Career Pathway
Individual Parts Selection
We teach both job skills and work-related social skills to students ages 14 and above. We partner with employers in the community to match students 16 and older with jobs that reflect individual interests.
Transition Services
Your Title Goes Here
To ensure that students acquire the skills necessary for succeeding in their new environments after graduation, AchieveKids staff work with regional centers and school districts to help students make the transition into other programs such as public schools, adult service programs, independent living arrangements and group homes.
Cultivating Community
of support and belonging for students and parents
“It’s such a beautiful feeling when I drop our boys off in the morning at AchieveKids. We know they’ll be safe at school or on a community outing. They are learning and having fun everyday while developing their own individual skills. The best part is picking them up after school and seeing them smiling. We love how well they are supported and encouraged to try new things and explore new places. There’s no better feeling for a parent than knowing that your child is receiving such good care and a proper, structured education.” said DeeAnn Bruno, proud mother of 9 year old nonverbal autistic twins that have been attending AchieveKids for the past 10 months.
Both Jonathan and Joseph were struggling in their public school district due to not receiving the proper support they required. Now at AchieveKids they are part of our community of students that benefit from our more individualized approach. “The incredible and wonderful staff at AchieveKids has helped both the boys tremendously. They are growing and progressing and really enjoy being at school. As parents, we are grateful for the direct communication and transparency with all the dedicated staff at AchieveKids.”
DeeAnn has a vision for a parent community so that parents and caregivers will feel this same sense of comfort, belonging, support and trust. She would like to begin with a monthly coffee date so that adults can discuss how to support not only AchieveKids but each other as well. “Parenting a special needs child can be very isolating at times but I believe that by starting a parent community where we can talk about the challenges or struggles we are facing, we can help and support one another so we don’t feel so alone.”
For more information or to speak with DeeAnn about the new parent community please feel free to contact her directly: DeeAnn Bruno at 415.913.9186 (call or text) or

Financial Statements
July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022

A Message from Our Executive Director, Stephen Crook
I grew up in rural upstate New York, graduating high school with approximately 60 other students. In those early years, I wasn’t entirely sure which direction I wanted to go with my career, but soon after I began my coursework at Cornell University, everything began to click. I found myself fascinated with human development and psychology, and found summer opportunities to align with this intrinsic interest. I completed my Bachelor’s in Human Development and Family Studies and then continued on to complete my Master of Arts in Developmental Psychology. One of my first opportunities to begin working with families and youth was through the William George Agency for Children’s Services in upstate New York as a Residence Director, where I began to better understand the value of community and teamwork.
Due to life circumstances, I made a move to North Carolina where I was fortunate to find a position as a Therapeutic Teacher at the Lucy Daniel’s Center, a non-profit school for children with significant social and emotional needs. In hindsight, this is where I truly began to find my calling, and learned a tremendous amount about the power of community, kindness, and human compassion.
When I was planning a move to California, I found AchieveKids in my job search. The mission and values of AchieveKids jumped out to me, and I recall the excitement of applying for the position of School Director for the San Jose Campus. I vividly remember interviewing with Dr. Ryan Eisenberg, Jean Spurr, and many of the AchieveKids team members; their passion for special education and pride in their work was powerful. During my 4 years in this role, my commitment to AchieveKids deepened, and I attribute that to the power of a community working towards a common goal.
Community can mean a lot of things, but at its foundation, community, to me, means a place of belonging and acceptance where an individual can feel safe, secure, and open to sharing, listening, and learning. We all play a role in cultivating the community and culture we strive to see, and the mission and core values of AchieveKids drives our approach. We meet students where they are, work to understand everyone’s unique strengths and needs, and focus on developing skills to support greater independence and self-understanding.
Our AchieveKids team members, families, and district partners all work incredibly hard, and everyone deserves a community of support, positivity, and understanding. I have learned the power of a leader who values community and inclusion, and this has been core in shaping the person I strive to be today. AchieveKids is a wonderful organization, and I am humbled and proud to have the opportunity to step into the role of Executive Director, and to build on the decades of success in supporting our larger community.
Thank you,
Stephen Crook, M.A.
Thank you to all of our donors from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022.
We truly appreciate your support!
David Ach and Dianne Appleton
Sheikh Alam and Sharmin Azam
Eric Alburger
Raquel Amaya
Michael Amodai
George and Barbara Andreini
Ian Angelo and Prema Pinto
Robert and Mary Antone
David and Susan Apfelberg
Peter and Victoria Bailey
Fardad Baroumand
Sue Barton
Eyal and Revital Baruch
Andrea Berberich
Roman and Joanna Beyer
Larry and Jan Birenbaum
Brad and Kim Bishop
Donna Blas
Mark Blattel
Rick and Susie Block
Howard and Diane Bloom
Manni Bollinger
Michelle Bollinger
Jayne Booker
Phil and Lois Bookman
Patti Bourgault
Faith Braff
Steven Brock and Sally Townsend
Gary and Jean Bronstein
Christine Brotherton-Pleiss
Eric Brown
Deeann and Michael Bruno
Stephen and Rita Bryson
Katie Burg
Patrick Burg
Tiffany Burg
Janet Campbell
Scott and Susan Carey
Shawn Cary
Michael Charles
Victor L. Chinn
Franca Cioria
Evan and Sarah Cohen
Michael and Kim Collins
Chris and Cindy Combs
Kathleen Conner
Shannon Conner and Shannon Lieginger
Terry and Jeannie Conner
William Conner
Alexander Cook and Maria Shi
Susan Corlett
Dave and Denise Cote
Stone D. Coxhead
Barrie Cress and Gerald Rosenberg
Charles Crook
Stephen Crook and Nandini Dutta
Trudie Daggett
Sheba Dalaney
Edward Davidovits
Gordon and Carolyn Davidson
Ed Davis
Lisa Decker
Marie Delahaye
Woody DeMayo and Shelley Doran
Mari Dempsey
Dennis Family
Suyog Deshpande
Robert and Maris DeValle
Richard and Dorothy Dorsay
Ken Down and Catherine Hamrick-Down
Matthew Downing
Jack and Sheila Dubin
Betty Dvorson
Harry and Dale Eastman
Elaine Ebner
Jesse Ebner
Louis and Carol Ebner
Len Edwards
Ross and Gloria Edwards
Ryan Eisenberg and Sindy Christopher
Sandra Eisenberg
Paul Eisenman and Charo Switalski
Elay Cohen and Jennifer Pliner
Charles and Patricia Ellingson
Christopher and Jill Escher
Long Family
The Ely Family
Luke and Shana Farley
Venous Farsad
Margaret Felt
Beverly Fields
Avital Fighel
Mike and Marsha Ford
Michael Francini and Alys Milner
Alicia Fraumeni
Jan and Katherine Frey
Helen Gaan
Jamie Gaan and Julie Ngov
Tulika Garg
Jaime Garrett
Salit Gazit
Bruce and Jane Gee
Iris Gelles
Russell and Marie Genna
Michael and Deborah Gennette
Fatemeh Ghasemi
Joseph and Beverly Giraudo
Jonathan Goldman
Kate Goldman
David and Mary Goodman
Barbara Gray
Leonard and Carmela Greenberg
Mark and Renee Greenstein
Karen Griggi
Lynn Groff
Hien H
Julia Ha
Walter and Julie Hanahan
Anthony and Mary Hanley
Christian Hansen
Erik Hansen
Karl and Marguerite Hansen
Phillip Harter and Lucille Glassman
Irene Hashfield
Manuel A. Henriquez
Jackie Hing-Pacheco
Michael and Larri Hirschklau
Rebecca Hoag
Gregory and Christine Hoberg
Tad Hogg and Kathy Kriese
Jordan Holmes-Ford
Nasrin Homayouni-Farsad
Eugene Hong
Rob and Christine Hutchinson
Bryan Jacobs
Nurit Jacobs
James and Antonette Bruno
Mary Ann Jankord
Pushya Jataprolu
Jere and Bernard King
Allan and Rebecca Jergesen
James and Margaret Jimenez
Chenyang Jin
William Johnson
Jon Jones
Dhruvkumar Joshi and Irene Litherland
Bill Kabel
Padmaleena Kabita
Karl Kadie and Carol Korzow
Helen Kahn
David Kalkbrenner
Daniel and Rosemary Kaplan
Kenneth and Christine Kasik
Logan Kasik
Jeffrey and Rudi Katz
Jim and Sylvia Katzman
Jonathan Kawaja
Tom and Sharon Kelley
Liam and Donna Kelly
John Kim
Jere and Bernard King
Wendy Kixmiller
Kathie Klarreich
Frederick and Virginia Koenig
Betsy Klarreich Kohn
Demetri and Mary Koutsos
Wanda Kownacki
David and Rochelle Kramer
Lena Chow Kuhar
David Lahr
Helen Leong
Leland Levy and Judy Huey
Aaron Lewis
Bryan Lewis and Melanie Meyer
Mark Lewis and Barbara Shapiro
Ernest and Linda Lima
Frank and Patricia Lima
Charles and Ilona Lindauer
Stephanie Leong and Russ Lindgren
James and Judy Lipman
Valerie Lipman
Cornelia Lovette
Jeremy and Linda Lyon
Massimo Malizia
Ginny and Todd Marans
Ivan Margaretich
Terry and Janis Marshall
Nancy Mathews
Brian and Kay Matsuo
Shirley Matteson
Karen McGrath
Stepheny McGraw
Sonya Meyer
Yulishana Mihaylov
Mitchell Park Library
Amir and Tricia Mohammadian
Cam and Mel Moore
Donald and Ann Morey
Pamela Maffei Morey
Ashley Mozart
John and Heather Mozart
John Forrest Mozart
Justin Mozart
Sergio Nacht
Avi Nahon
Romans and Egle Narevich
Moses Naval and Kristy Linares
Merrill and Alicia Newman
Nicolette and Brad Ehikian
Paul Nikcevic
Mary O’Kief
Yvonne Olivero
Jeffrey and Rebecca Olson
Leo and Charlene Ott
Chong and Jin Park
Marc and Linda Parkinson
Jane Parnes
Simon and Victoria Parrott
Stephen Pasquan
James Patterson
Neil Peretz
Ana Perez
Katherine Peterson
Cynthia Pettinelli
Christine Pezzi
William Phillips and Eleanor Rieffel
Emma Pierotti
Michael and Carol Pliner
Sofya Pogreb
Nick Ponce
Harry and Lori Price
Ruben and Ofelia Puno
Bill and Esther Puterbaugh
Gopi Rangan and Iravati Hingne
Bailey Reed
Judy Reed
Melinda Reed
Lonnie and Catherine Reichstein
Clifford Reid and Darlene Mann
Paul and Stephanie Riehle
Gayle Riggs
Galit Rikovitch
Dave and Lora Riopel
Bev Rohde
Bill Romans and Sue Barsamian
Madeline Rudnick
Mike and Sue Sabes
Kay Sabin
Nathan and Lori Saito
Michael Santullo
Antoinette Sarraille
Thomas and Lisa Sarsfield
Diana Satin
Sekhar Sarukkai & Rajashree Srirangarajan
Carl Scheidenhelm
Betty Schink
Robert & Hilary Schlossman
Robert Schneider
Arthur and Lyn Schnitzer
Christine Seed
Hitesh and Claudia Shah
Kunal and Denise Shah
Joel and Sally Shaps
Maya Shilon-Rabin
Shelly Siegman
Ariel Silva
David and Barbara Silverstein
Tom and Elisa Simmons
Susan Snow
Lisa Sorrentino
Tod Spieker
Ryan Spratt
Dan and Andra Spurr
Jean Spurr and Dorit Grunberger
Adriana Squarzon
Peter and Margaret Stark
Cindy Steffel
Elizabeth and Muriel Steinberg
Rob Steinberg and Alice Erber
Steve & Lisa Steinhart
Amanda Stephens
Timothy and Aileen Stephens
David Stephenson
Bonnie Stone
Rachel Stone
Dennis Storey
James and Colleen Sudlow
Sueanne and Nicholas Gera
Stephen Sullivan
Ron Swinnich and Shuley Nakamura
Scott Taylor
Hide Tanigami and Judy Bogard-Tanigami
Cynthia Tevis
Raghu Thiagarajan and Archana Rao
Edward and Gail Thompson
Richard Tincher
Tomonari Tohara
Peter Tsai
Charles and Margaret Tuggle
Bruce and Mary Van Alstyne
Rick and Sandy Van Mell
Donald Vance and Mary Mulkins
Sujey EE Vargas
Jennifer Vessels
Jennifer Vilfort
W. L. Butler
Michael and Karen Walters
Scott and Katrina Watters
Donald and Robin Wayne
Haley Weber
Leon and Cathy Wentz
June Wexler
Dan and Betsy White
T.J. Whyte
Vilma Wilczynski
Dan Williams
Susan Williams
Walter Wilson and Karin Klarreich
Glenn Wong and June Huey
Clay Woods
Jim Woolwine
Phyllis Yee
Gal Zaks Hoffer
Deana Zornow
Jim and Lisa Zuegel
Jennifer Zweig
Susan Zweig
Almaden Valley Children’s Therapy Center
Amazon Smile
Anderson Family Foundation
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Bayport Concessions
Blackbaud Giving Fund
Bolton & Company
Box Tops for Education
Bright Funds Foundation
Catholic Community Foundation
Columbian Foundation for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Inc
Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County
Croative Property Group Inc
Ewing Foley Inc
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Guzik Foundation
Hanson Bridgett LLP
Heritage Bank of Commerce
IBM Corporation
Jewish Community Federation
Jewish Silicon Valley
Krishnan-Shah Family Foundation
Laughing Giraffe Therapy
MGM Consulting Services
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund
Network For Good
Office Depot Business Solutions
One Percent For Education
PayPal Giving Fund
Petrinovich Pugh & Co LLP
Premier Properties
Raymond and Joanna Lin Foundation
Richards Family Charitable Foundation
Rutherford Investment Company
Schwab Charitable Fund
Second Harvest Food Bank
SF Foodways Tapas & Taps and Potero Grill
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Southgate Glass & Screen, Inc.
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Thoits Law
United Way
Unity Palo Alto Community Church
Verizon Foundation
Wilbur Properties
Windy Hill Property Ventures